Haven Sleep Co is BBB A+ Accredited
Haven Sleep Co has been Better Business Bureau Accredited!
This rating from Better Business Bureau stands for the BBB's companies opinion on how Haven Sleep Co works and interacts with our customers.
There are 7 elements to receive the rating:
1. Business's complaint history with the BBB
2. The type of business
3. How long has the business been operating
4. Transparent business practices
5. Failure to honour commitments to the BBB
6. Licensing and government actions to the BBB
7. Advertising issues known to the BBB
There are different ratings that a company can receive. Anywhere from A+ (highest) all the way to an F (lowest). Haven Sleep Co is honoured to have achieved an A+ rating. The rating comes from reviews, testimonials, complaints and more made about Haven. A BBB rating brings value and credibility with the company it is reviewing.
Along with our BBB rating, affiliate program, customer testimonials and everyday reviews Haven Sleep Co is a proud social impact company that strives on producing the best for its consumers and giving back to our community.
Haven Sleep Co is not only a sleep company but a social impact and wellness company, we not only sell mattresses but we donate 1 for every 10 sold. We at Haven strive to be a trusted brand within the sleep and wellness industry across North America. One huge aspect is that we have one of the lowest return rates but one of the highest returning customer rates. We try our best to figure out the customers sleep needs before they purchase to ensure they are getting a product that they love. We offer the 100 night sleep trial to test the product out to make sure it fits the needs of each and every sleeper.
Please check out our Youtube Channel and Reviews Page to understand a little more about Haven and our customers.

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