Haven's Contribution to Kelowna Women's Shelter's 2023 Impact
Kelowna Women's Shelter was able to accomplish a great deal last year thanks to community donors. Haven Sleep Co. would like to thank all of our fellow donors for making a big difference in the lives of women and children who have, or are experiencing, domestic abuse in our community.
KWS offers more than just shelter–their programs and services include a 24/7 Help Line, Emergency and Transitional Housing, and Outreach Support Services for those that aren't looking for shelter at this time.
Here's a quick summary provided by Kelowna Women's Shelter:

There is also so much to look forward to in 2024! The Kelowna Women's Shelter is committed to:
- Strengthening relationships with other community organizations to increase access to our support services
- Planning for a Second Stage Program which includes housing and wraparound support services in Rutland to meet the needs of the community
- Expanding their Thrift Store, which is quickly outgrowing its current space
- Supporting the Kelowna Transition House, Outreach, and PEACE programs to continue enhancement of programming while being responsive to the needs of the women and children they serve
Haven is committed to continue to contribute both financially, and through the donation of mattresses, to Kelowna Women's Shelter in 2024.
Learn more about our 10:1 #SafeHaven Donation Program.
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