HGTV Canada’s most popular couple finds a restful way to give back.
Burlington, ON (November 22, 2017)
Bryan and Sarah Baeumler took time from their hectic schedule of shooting to give back to two much needed local charities. The couple visited the Halton Women’s place with a couple of Nissan Titans full of new mattresses to donate. A second mattress delivery was later delivered in style by Burlington Nissan to the charity’s branch in Milton.
Carm Bozzo, Development Manager for the centre commented “We are so grateful for the partnerships that have been created! I truly believe in a community working together with a common goal of generosity and support!”
Since early this year, the Baeumlers have slept on and advocated for Haven’s line of luxury and wellness mattresses,that are hand made to order in Canada and sold exclusively on-line.
Part of Haven’s business is to donate charity mattresses like these before profit.
“What really stood out for us was Haven’s dedication to charity. For every ten mattresses sold a safe-haven mattress is donated to charities across Canada. Sarah and I loved the fact that this was a key element of the company’s ethics and it’s something we are proud to support.”
“What a wonderful promotion to support our community,” said David Scherle, Dealer Principal of Burlington Nissan. “We were pleased to help out and co-sponsor the efforts. Thank you to the Baeumler family and Haven Mattress Company for always thinking of others first.”
Bozzo went on to add “This donation will directly assist our clients who have moved on from our shelters into a new life free of violence. These mattresses will provide not only a good night's sleep every night, but the realization for these women and children that their community supports them. Leaving an abusive home is the most dangerous time for a woman and with donations like these, it proves to her and her family that they are believed and that others want the best for her. We, on the behalf of these women and kids, thank everyone who was involved in this special donation.”
About Bryan and Sarah Baeumler
A veteran contractor, Bryan is respected as Canada’s number one expert in Do It Yourself (DIY) projects. A natural-born teacher, the award-winning host has been educating and entertaining viewers across Canada and the U.S. for over ten years on the hit shows House of Bryan, Disaster DIY, Leave it to Bryan and most recently, Bryan Inc.
Sarah Baeumler joined Bryan on HGTV Canada when House of Bryan featured the Baeumlers building their own home. Sarah’s gift for interior design was showcased and she has since become one of the frontrunners in Canadian decorating and design.
About Haven Mattress
Haven Mattress is a Canadian owned and operated company with offices in Mississauga, ON and Kelowna, BC. Specializing in the making of health-improving beds, mattresses and sleep products. The company makes hand-tailored mattresses in Canada with the help of highly skilled technicians using top-quality materials. Haven’s mission is to change the way customers shop and to improve the sleeping situation for all along the way. The SafeHaven division of Haven Mattress Co. donates one bed to charity for each ten online sales.
About Burlington Nissan
We’ve been proud to be a part of the Burlington community since 1981. In 2009 a new facility was built on the north service road to keep pace with the desire for the Nissan product and keep up with our customer servicing needs. We enjoy doing business in Burlington. We have great customers and a great community. Thank you to the Baeumler family and Haven Mattress Company for always thinking of others.
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