Q&A with Artist Ola Volo
bedface is super excited to be collaborating with artist Ola Volo and Artslandia Magazine. Ahead of the launch of the collaboration, we caught up with Ola to talk about her art, her inspirations and more!
Q: Can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and what you are up to?
A: My name is Ola Volo, and I'm an artist. I'm currently based out of Montreal, where I'm producing work from my studio.
Q: When did you first start illustrating?
A: I began illustrating when I was in high school, but I began producing illustration professionally in my last year at Emily Carr University.
Q: Where/ who do you draw inspiration from?
A: A lot of my inspiration stems from my Russian background where Eastern European folklore played a big role in my childhood. I love to infuse the West Coast nature, with modern storytelling.
Q: Which piece of yours is you favourite and why?
A: I'm very excited with the new collaboration with Artslandia and bedface. It's been an amazing experience learning about pattern making, material, and the creative culture of Artslandia.
Q: Where can your artwork be found?
A: A lot of my artwork can be found in public spaces of Vancouver, as well as Seattle and Portland. You can also see my work at www.olavolo.com and you can also follow my process on instagram @olavolo.
Q: What made you want to collaborate with bedface and Artslandia?
A: I wanted to collaborate with Artslandia and bedface because they both celebrate being a local brand in the Vancouver community. Creating bedding that incorporates illustration, celebrates the idea of story telling and dreaming. I hope this piece is able to bring someone into my whimsical world.
Q: How did you come up with your design for bedface and Artlsandia?
A: I was inspired by (the) Artslandia culture of merging performance arts, visual arts, and music. I also wanted to blend that in with theatrical elements, by incorporating an intersection of stories and surprises into the work!
Q: What bedface colours would your dream bed include?
A: Currently my favourite colours are Mint, All Nighter Citron, and Moonrock Grey.
Photo Credit: Rob Trendiak
Photo Credit: Rob Trendiak
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